ECTS- Academic Rules & Regulations

ECTS grades for the final "Transcript of Records"

What does "ECTS" stand for?

The acronym ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System: European and non-European universities use it to express the students' academic results in a standardized way so that also other institutes abroad can recognise the student's academic performance. Generally, in one academic year 60 ECTS credits are awarded.

Once you pass your exams in Süleyman Demirel University (SDU), the Erasmus Office will prepare a "Transcript of Records" where your home university can see all the courses you took here and the grades you obtained from each of them, thus being able to convert the local grades into its own grade system.

You might wonder -how can my home university know how to convert the grades from Süleyman Demirel University?

Here you find a table for the conversion! Plus, in the Transcript of Records that we'll prepare for you, there is always this table too for your university to see.

ECTS grade conversion

 SDU grade (letters)

SDU grade (numbers) 

ECTS grades 



























What does each ECTS grade mean?

 ECTS grade



EXCELLENT - outstanding performance 

 with only minor errors 


 VERY GOOD -above the average 
 standard but with some errors


 GOOD -generally sound work with 
 a number of notable errors


SATISFACTORY- fair but with 
 significant shortcomings 


 SUFFICIENT - performance meets 
 the minimum criteria


 FAIL- some more work required before 
 the credit can be awarded


FAIL- considerable further work is required 


Regulations for Education and Examinations for Associate Degree and Undergraduate Studies




One academic year consists of two 14-week semesters excluding the registration and final exam periods. The University Senate can extend or shorten the length of semesters if necessary. Summer semesters can be offered when needed, the conditions of which are determined by the University Senate. Course programmes during undergraduate studies and the distribution of courses between the semesters are arranged by the department concerned, confirmed by the Faculty Committee, and approved by the Senate.

Students must attend classes, practical sessions, laboratory practice and examinations. Students' attendance is recorded by the instructor concerned.

Examinations and Assessment:

In addition to midterm examinations and other work, students are required to take a final examination. At least one midterm examination is given during each semester. Final examinations are held at the appropriate place and hour as decided and announced by the University.

The student is given a grade by the course instructor, taking into account the midterm examinations, final examinations, the semester's work and attendance. Students are given a make-up examination for any examination which they have not attended if it is accepted by the Faculty Administrative Comittee that there exist genuine and valid reasons for this.

Courses which do not require midterm and/or final examinations are determined by the Department concerned and the Registrar's Office is informed accordingly. Under these circumstances, the semester grade is given by evaluating the work done throughout the semester.

The practical and/or laboratory components may be evaluated separately. In this case, the course and practical and/or laboratory sessions taken separately must confirm to the above regulations. 

In order to be eligible to enter final examinations, students must have attended at least 70% of theoretical lessons and 80% of practical lessons. Lack of attendance for any reason disqualifies a student from sitting the examination.

All examination results are converted into a lettered scale- AA, BA, BB etc.- in which the mid-term exam counts for 40% and the final exam 60% of the final mark. A final result of 60% or above is a definite pass, 40-60% is a conditional pass, and less than 40% a definite failure. High grades in some lessons may make up for poor grades in other subjects, and students have the right to raşise their average by retaking modules if they wish to.

Partial Failure

At SDU it is not possible to retake failed lessons and students may obtain fewer credits than hoped. In this situation, the students will have to repeat the module the following year at SDU. In the case of exchange students, the home institution may permit the student to take its own assessments, and may then award its own credits. Institutional rules are very diverse in this respect.





Aims and Scope

Aim and Basis

Article 1– (1) The aim of this legislation is to regulate the principles of education for associate degree and undergraduate studies within the faculties, conservatory, schools, vocational colleges and preparatory classes of Süleyman Demirel University, apart from the faculty of medicine. 

Article 2 – (1) This legislation includes provisions about the education in associate degree and undergraduate programmes, except for the Faculty of Medicine.

Article 3 – (1) This document has been drawn up based on Articles 14, 43, 44 and 46 of the Higher Education Act 2547 dated 4 November 1981.


Article 4 – (1) The following definitions are used in these regulations:

a) Academic unit: Faculties, schools, and vocational colleges of the university,

b) Academic advisor: Academic staff appointed by faculty deans, school/vocational college directors or heads of department to deal with students' educational and other problems,

c) ECTS: European Credit Transfer System,

d) Non-departmental/programme Elective Courses: Elective courses offered by other units of the university which are not a compulsory component of the educational programme in which a student is registered but which are generally considered to be beneficial for personal development,

e) Department/Programme: Academic units which certify students,

f) Departmental Committee: The committee which was defined in the 15th article of the Academic Organization Legislation of Universities declared in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey; issue 17609, dated 8/18/1982,

g) Workload: The amount of time which is required for the students to complete all of the learning activities for a course, expressed in teaching hours,

h) SDU, Süleyman Demirel University,

i) GPA (DNO): Grade Point Average,

j) EIS: Education Information System of the University,

k) Educational Studies: all kinds of in-class and out-of-class educational activities which take place in a half-year (semester), including seminars, fieldwork, practical training, vocational training, final assignments/dissertations and the like,
l) Add-Drop Week: the first week following registration week, during which students are given the right to add or drop courses, provided that they obtain their academic advisor's agreement,

m) GGPA (GNO): General Grade-Point Average,

n) Relevant committee : Academic unit committee,

o) Relevant board of management: Academic unit board of management,

p) Conditionally Successful Courses: Courses for which students with a GGPA of 2.00 or more receive a grade of DD or DC,
q) Conditionally Failed Courses: Courses for which students with a GGPA of less than 2.00 receive a grade of DD or DC,

r) SIS (ÖBS): Student Information System of the University,

s) Prerequisite Course: a course that has to have been successfully completed prior to choosing another course,

t) ESPC (ÖSYM): Evaluation, Selection and Placement Centre,

u) Rector: The Rector of Süleyman Demirel University,

v) Rectorate: The Rectorate of Süleyman Demirel University,

w) Senate: The University Senate,

x) HEC (YOK): Higher Education Council,



Registration Procedures and Tuition Fees, Registration, Student Identity Card

Registration and tuition fees

Article 5 – (1) In accordance with Article 45 of Law No. 2547, and the principles determined by SDU and/or the ESPC, the full registration procedures of prospective students who are eligible to register at SDU are carried out in person or by a representative holding an official power of attorney on the dates announced. Applications by mail are not accepted.
(2) Candidates who do not register on the dates determined by the ESPC lose their right to registration and cannot claim any such rights.
(3) The registration of foreign students at SDU is carried out in the context of the principles determined by the Senate and relevant legislative provisions.
(4) If SDU students pay the tuition fee determined for the relevant period at the beginning of each academic semester and within the time periods specified in the academic calendar, they register for courses in accordance with the principles determined under Article 6 and Article 18.
(5) Students who wish to renew their registration are obliged to pay the tuition fee, if any is due, within the time periods specified in the academic calendar.
(6) Within the framework of the principles mentioned above, if students do not pay any due tuition fees within the specified time period and their excuses are not accepted by the relevant board of management, such students cannot renew their registration for that teaching period.
(7) In the case of the registration being deleted or caused to be deleted, the tuition fee having been paid is not refundable.
(8) Apart from those studying in the preparatory class, students of evening education programmes who are successful in the minimum courses specified in their departments / programmes for each period, and who are ranked in the top 10% of students taking these courses, based on their GGPA, pay tuition fees equivalent to those of the students in the daytime education programme the following term.

Article 6 – (1) The students are required to renew their registration, in order to benefit from student rights within the period specified in the academic calendar each semester. The students who do not renew their registration cannot take courses, cannot take the exams, and cannot benefit from other student rights.
(2) Students who have paid any due tuition fees renew their registration interactively via the internet according to the principles stated in Article 18 in the framework of the principles determined by the Senate and during the week of re-registration indicated in the academic calendar. The registration of students who do not fulfil one of these conditions is not renewed.
(3) During the week of re-registration, students print out and sign the registration form for courses approved by the advisor from the SIS system and deliver it to their advisor.
(4) Students can add or drop a course or courses with the approval of their advisors during the add-drop week. In this case, students deliver the new course registration form to their advisors, after printing it from the SIS system and signing it. The students do not have the right to object to the inclusion or absence of courses from the course registration form after the add-drop week.
(5) Students are responsible for all of the process of re-registration. Students register in person or they can register with a power of attorney given to their representative.
(6) Students who cannot re-register for valid reasons during the week of re-registration can apply for re-registration in the first week following the week of re-registration. Students whose excuses are accepted by the relevant board of management must re-register within one week at the latest after this decision is made. Students who cannot re-register during this second re-registration period cannot reapply for re-registration with an excuse. The attendance/absenteeism of students who re-register late with an excuse is calculated based on the starting date of the course.
(7) That semester/semesters during which students cannot re-register because of lack of a valid excuse accepted by the board of management or for one of the reasons listed in Article 32 is/are calculated as part of the maximum allowable duration of education.
(8) Students who cannot graduate within the maximum period indicated in Article 44 of Law No. 2547 can renew their registration and continue studying according to the provisions of Article 46 of the same law, on the condition that they pay any due tuition fees. In this case, the student status of students continues. However, except for participation in the courses and examinations, or preparation of a thesis, students cannot benefit from the other rights conferred on students.
(9) If courses are removed from the programme, students register for an equivalent course or courses approved by the relevant board of management.

Student identity card

Article 7 – (1) According to the provisions of these regulations an ID card with a photo is given to a student who registers at SDU for the first time, to prove they belong to the student body of the university. The student ID card is valid throughout the period of education as long as the official label is renewed every academic year.
(2) If the ID card is lost, a new ID card is delivered to the student provided that a notice of loss has been given to a newspaper, a bank receipt for payment of the ID card fee and a letter of application are submitted.
(3) Graduating students surrender their ID cards to the relevant unit. 


Education, Language of Tuition, Academic Calendar, Education Period


Article 8 – (1) An education year (academic year) consists of two semesters. Courses are designed on a semester basis. Issues involving registration, attendance, exams and so on are designed in accordance with the academic calendar decided on by the senate. Students and other interested parties must adhere to this calendar.
(2) Forms of education permitted by Law No. 2547 can be offered in accordance with relevant regulations, although formal education is the basis for academic units. 
(3) Upon the proposals of academic boards of management, summer schools can be organized after the Higher Education Council has confirmed the decision of the university senate. Summer school education is designed in accordance with the related codes. The grades that students obtain from courses successfully completed in the summer school are accepted as the equivalent of those taken in the related semester.

Language of tuition

Article 9 – (1) The language of tuition in the university is Turkish. However, according to Article 10 of the Regulations Concerning the Teaching of Foreign Languages and Teaching in Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions, published in the Official Gazette number 27074 dated 4/12/2008, tuition can be given in the relevant foreign language in appropriate programmes.

Academic calendar

Article 10 – (1) Education in the academic units is governed by the academic calendar proposed by the relevant committees and approved by the Senate. 
(2) Academic units submit their academic calendars, which consist of the registration, tuition, examination and vacation periods of the following year, for the Senate's approval by May at the latest.
(3) One education year consists of fall and spring semesters, which are at least 70 working days each (14 weeks) and a summer school. The final and re-sit/repeat exam periods are not included in these periods. 
(4) When necessary, the relevant board of management can decide to schedule lessons and exams at the weekends or outside of working hours.

(5) The provisions related to tuition, exams and achievement in foreign language preparation classes are prepared by the relevant committees and decided by the Senate.

Period of education

Article 11 – (1) The maximum period of education is 4 years for 2-year programmes, 7 years for 4-year programmes, and 8 years for 5-year programmes.
(2) Students who cannot graduate in the maximum period are subject to the codes of Article 6.
(3) The one-year preparation education in programmes which include the foreign language preparation or voluntary foreign language preparation classes is not included in the periods of education mentioned above.


Courses, Taking Part in Courses, Joint and Combined Degrees, Exchange Programme Courses, Credit Values, Teaching Hours and Weekly Timetable

Article 12 – (1) Courses consist of compulsory and elective courses. Compulsory courses are those students have to take, with no choice in the matter, in the department in which they are enrolled. Elective courses are those that are proposed by the head of department and determined by the relevant committee, and students can choose amongst the courses offered.
(2) The number of non-departmental elective courses lessons and the basis on which they are selected are determined by the relevant departmental committees. Associate degree students cannot take elective courses from degree programmes and degree programme students cannot take courses from associate degree programmes. Students who study in evening programmes can take this kind of course from daytime programmes with approval from the relevant committees.
(3) The ECTS credits and teaching hours for each course are stated in the course outline for the programme. The ECTS credits of courses are determined by considering the level of the degree, the credit gap defined for the subject area in the higher education framework of competencies, and the workload for students. Course credits are defined based on recommendations by the relevant department endorsed by the committee of the unit and with the approval of the Senate, taking into consideration the contribution of the course to the knowledge, skills and competencies which will be gained by a graduate of the programme, the number of theoretical and applied teaching hours determined according to the course outcomes, and the other activities envisaged as necessary for the students.

 (4) One ECTS credit is determined by the Senate and is equal to a student workload of twenty five – thirty hours. Student workload includes not only teaching hours but also all the time spent on the educational activities necessary to realise the learning outcomes determined for the course, such as laboratory, atelier or clinical practice, assignments, projects, seminars, presentations, exam revision, exams, work placements or workplace training.
(5) Course credits are determined as ECTS credits by calculating the student workload. The principles of ECTS practice are determined by the Senate.
(6) The ECTS credits for each lesson are displayed in the course outline. They are approved by the Senate as part of the course outline proposed by the relevant departmental committee. The ECTS workload of a student for each semester is equivalent to that shown in the course outline.
(7) For associate degree and degree programmes, the credits awarded for theoretical and applied courses per academic year total 60 ECTS credits. The ECTS credits for associate degrees total 120, for four-year undergraduate programmes 240 and for five-year undergraduate programmes 300 credits.
(8) The course outlines which are to be implemented in departments/programmes are proposed by the departmental committee and endorsed by the relevant committees before being submitted to the Senate for approval.
(9) The weekly timetable is announced each semester by the unit's administrators at least one week prior to the beginning of the registration dates shown in the academic calender.

Joint degree and minor degree programmes

Article 13 – (1) Students who are successful in the degree programme for which they are registered may be given the right to continue with a joint degree programme enabling them to study to obtain a second bachelor's degree.
(2) Students who are successful in the degree programme for which they are registered may be given the right to take a minor degree and receive a grounding in a different discipline in which they are interested.
(3) Joint or minor degree programmes are proposed by the relevant board of management, established by the Senate and implemented in cooperation with academic units.
(4) Tuition for joint and minor degree programmes is administered according to the provisions of the Regulations Pertaining to Principles for Transfers between Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree Programmes, Joint Degrees, Minor Degrees and Inter-institutional Credit Transfers between Higher Education Institutions, published in the Official Gazette No. 27561 dated 24.04.2010, and the principles determined by the Senate.

Attending classes from other departments and in other universities

Article 14 – (1) If the students wish themselves for self improvement they can attend classes in other departments in SDU.
(2) If the Students of this university or of other universities would like they can attend classes as a private student in accordance with the rules of inter-switching between graduate or post graduate programs, double majoring, side majoring, and transferring credits through the institutions.
(3) Students can attend classes of summer school programms in accordance with the rules published in the Official Gazzette no 24884 of 22.09.2002 and as stated in SDU summer schools regulations.
(4) The classes attended in other programmes/departments are written down in transcripts regardless of equvealancy. Hovewer, these subjects and marks are not taken into account in calculating the average marks. These subjects; OP/OD are written to show they are out of programm or out of department. 

National and international student exchange programme

Article 15 – (1) Exchange programme among national universities: student exchange programme is performed in accordance with the agreements between the university and other universities. These agreements are settled according to related rules.
(2) Exchange programme with an international programme: 
a) In accordance with the agreements between the university and the international universities students can be sent to these universities for one or two semesters.
b) During this time students continue to be registered to the university and this period is regarded as a part of educational year. These students are responsible for the subjects they attend at those universities, instead of the subjects they should have attended at their universities. These subjects are decided on with the suggestion of concerning department/programme and the approval of administration. The marks of these subjects are put as the success of the concerning semester and are calculated for the average. The student in case of failure or non attendance of a subject can attend the class in his university to collect the necessary AKTS credits in accordance with the administrative arrangements.
c) The exchange students coming from other universities are subject to these regulations during their stay at the university and they are granted a report card demonstrating the classes they have attended.


Consultancy, registration, and exemption


Article 16 – (1) at the beginning of educational year taking into consideration the advice of the head of the department, each student is given a consultant among the concerning instructors from the concerning departments. Consultants are to show way in re-registering, approving taking or dropping subjects, and following the registered programme; educational affairs, and solving the problems encountered in university life.
(2) the consultant who can not perform this duty because of a decent reason is to inform the concerning department in written form. If any change is made relating to the consultant the concerning student is informed.
(3) Apart from temporary changes, consultant modifications are performed by concerning administration.
(4) Students decide on the subjects during re-registration with the help of the consultant, and are not certain before the consultant approves. 
(5) those who do not re-register and dont go for approval during consultancy time are not accounted registered.

Course information form

Article 17 – (1) For each course, a course information form is prepared by the instructor who is responsible for the course. Before the re-registration period this form is announced in the Education Information System. These forms are updated at the beginning of each term in which the course is going to be taught.

(2) The course information form includes the ECTS credit, the number of the theoretical and practical lessons, the objective ,the content, the distribution of the subjects to the weeks, the learning outcomes , the materials and sources , the teaching techniques , the assessment and evaluation information of the course, the contribution of them to the final grade and etc.
(3) In the course information form, for each course the midterms, quizzes, homework, project, seminar, practice and the number, the form of the other studies and the contribution of them to the final grade constitutes 40% in total and the contribution of the final exams/make-up exams to the final grade constitutes 60% and this is determined by the offer of the instructors and the confirmation of the head of the department. The instructors are obliged to comply with their statements in the course information form.

The principles of course registration

Article 18 – (1) The credit system which is based on the principle of passing and schooling courses is applied in the academic units.
The student is obliged to register to the courses within the period mentioned in the academic calendar each term.
In the weekly course schedule, it can't be registered to the courses that coincides with each other. This condition is valid for the courses repeated again due to the absence of the student. But however this condition is not valid for the courses which are repeated again due to the failure of the student.

The student can't attend the courses which s/he isn't registered properly within the particular time and s/he can't take the exams of the course; if the student takes the exams it will be considered as invalid.

The student has to register the courses which s/he didn't take in the exact term or the courses which s/he failed in the first term in which the course is studied especially starting from the lowest term.

Except from the preparation classes, the students whose grade point average is below 2.00 fail and are considered as unsuccessful. Unsuccessful students have to repeat the courses which are (FF), (FD), (YS) and (DS) in their academic transcripts. In undergraduate programs beginning from the end of the fourth term, the students whose grade point average is below 1. 80 can't take courses in their academic terms. And these periods are considered as the maximum period of study.
The students who are registered to the first grade for the first time, are obliged to take all the courses of the term which they are registered. The number of the credits of the courses that the student failed and compulsory courses and the courses of the term which the student studies (except non-credit compulsory courses determined by the Higher Education Council) shouldn't be over 42 ECTS credits for each term, in undergraduate degree in the 7th and 8th term, in the associate degree in the 3rd and 4th term and in the graduation term it shouldn't be over 45 ECTS credits. When the students don't take the courses in the autumn terms or fails some courses, in undergraduate programs in the 8th term and in the associate degree programs in the 4th term 42 credits are allowed. But if there are some courses that have 8 or more hours of practise the total ECTS credit of the student is determined by the relevant Administrative Board upon the offer of the academic supervisor and the head of the department.
Prerequisite courses and other prerequisite courses related to them are determined by the relevant unit commissions. If the student fails the prerequisite courses s/he can't take the other courses based on them.
If the student fails the optional course or courses (FD, FF, YS and DS) s/he can take other optional course or courses that have the same credit number offered by the supervisor. The change of this optional courses is done in add-drop week. This change of the optional courses is done with the confirmation of the academic supervisor in the autumn term for the autumn term courses and in the spring term for the spring term courses. The optional courses which the student failed (YS, DS, FF and FD) are deleted in the academic transcript.

The courses with the DD-DC grade can be retaken without checking the grade point average and aren't deleted in the academic transcript. If the grade point average is over 2.00 the courses with CC or upper grades can also be retaken.
For the optional courses with the offer of relevant department's/program's board and with the relevant Administrative Board's confirmation , the contingent can be limited. Such kind of courses are announced to the students before the beginning of the term in the web page of the relevant departments/programs. The students whose general grade average is 3.00 or over 3.00, exchange students and disabled students are exempted from this limitation and are registered to any course and they aren't included in the contingent.

Enrolling in courses from a higher semester

Article 19 – (1) In the case of students who have successfully completed all first-year courses, and whose GGPA is at least 3.00 at the end of their current semester, students can take courses from the following semester with the approval of their advisors. The limitations stated in the provisions of Article 18 are to be applied to determine the maximum number of credits which can be obtained by a student taking courses from the following semester.
(2) Students who take courses from a higher semester can graduate in a shorter period than the time period specified in Article 11.
(3) Students whose GGPA is at least 2.00 at the end of their current semester are regarded as successful students. These students can re-take courses graded as (FF), (FD), (YS) or (DS) in their transcripts in the first following semester that they are offered.

Course exemptions

Article 20 – (1) Those who are graduates from any higher education institution, or who cancelled their registration, or who have enrolled in academic units of SDU as a result of exams conducted by the ESPC or a special aptitude test while registered at a higher education institution, may request exemption during the first two weeks of the first semester from courses they completed successfully while previously registered at another institution.
(2) Newly registered students attending preparation courses and suspending their registration may request an exemption within the first two weeks of the first semester that they commence their education. Applications made outside the specified dates will not be accepted.
(3) The relevant board of management of an academic unit with which the student has just registered evaluates the courses taken previously by the students requesting exemption, taking into consideration the views of the relevant department, and determines which courses will be accepted as equivalent. The student concerned is notified about which courses they are exempted from and in which class s/he has been placed. Thus, a student who has been placed has to take the courses belonging to the semesters prior to the semester in which s/he is placed but from which s/he is not exempted.
(4) In the case that non-credit courses completed by the student in a previous programme were evaluated with ''satisfactory'' or similar grades but are awarded credits in the SDU department/programme in which the student is registered, these grades are converted into ''CC'' letter grades. If the student can certify the grade obtained for this/these course(s) on a 100 point grading system, these scores are converted into the equivalent letter grades of SDU.
(5) –The course(s) from which the student(s) is/are exempt is/are converted according to the Final Grade Evaluation Table contained in Article 26 and is/are added to the GGPA and GPA If any of these students have a GGPA of 3.00 and above and wish to take courses from the following semester, and the total ECTS credits of the courses from which they are exempted in the present semester are at least half of the total ECTS credits of that semester in the department/programme; the relevant management committees are authorized to make decisions on the subject of whether the student can register for courses from the following semester in addition to courses which have not been successfully completed or from which s/he is not exempt in the semester in which s/he has been placed and in previous semesters. It is required that the contents of courses for which exemption is sought should be compatible and that the SDU letter grade(s) should be equivalent to at least CC, as determined by the relevant departmental committee.
(6) The semester in which the student will be placed is the highest level semester in which the student is obliged to take courses and amongst the semesters with a 42 ECTS credit limit. This period is deducted from the maximum period of time and the student completes her/his courses in the programme within the remaining time period.
(7) If the student applies within two weeks of the date of the exemption decision, s/he can retake the course(s) from which s/he is exempted. The fact that the student takes or is exempted from courses from the following semester does not mean that s/he is placed in the following semester.


Attendance, Exams, Rules on Assessment and Evaluation Attendance 

Article 21 – (1) Students must attend %70 of the theoretical and %80 of practical class hours. The attendance records of students are kept by the instructors concerned. The instructor who is responsible for the course informs the Department Chair or the Department Coordinator about the records of attendance at the end of the term within the following week of the completion of the course hours. The students who fail to fulfill this obligation are announced within the same week by the Chair Person or Department Coordinator concerned. The student who does not fulfill the obligation of attendance is not allowed to take the term, mid-term or the make-up exams.

(2) Health report or committee report on health do not remove the obligation of the student attend classes. However, if the duration of the student's committee report absences exceeds the limit the student can take a gap year, only if it is accepted by the department concerned within ten days, after the student declares his/her excuse.

(3) The students, who participate in official sports organizations, representative events of works of fine arts, national/international science activities and their preparatory work and also the students who are appointed by the academic unit to represent their university or country in similar organizations, are exempted while calculating their absenteeism . Students can take the exams which are missed during this period on the dates determined by the Board concerned.

Article 22 – (1) Examinations are held according to the rules determined by the concerned Administrative Board and the concerned department is responsible for the smooth running of the exam.

(2) The dates and the hours of the examinations which are determined according to the academic calendar are announced by the concerned department at least two weeks before the exams. Exam dates announced can be changed only by the decisions of Administrative Board concerned.

(3) When necessary, examinations may also be held at the weekend if the decision is made by the Department Chair.
(4) The student who takes the exam must obey the rules taken by the concerned department. The student must take the exam on the announced date and at the announced place, have his/her student ID with him/her and show it to the authorities when demanded.
(5) The students who cheat, tempt to cheat, help others to cheat or who are recognized as cheaters are graded FF (0). Also the students are punished according to the rules of The Student Discipline Policies of Higher Education Institutions published in the Official Newspaper No: 28388 dated 18 August 2012.

(6) When a student takes the exam instead of someone else, puts someone else on his behalf or disrupts the exam, examination record is kept, his/her exam is cancelled and a legal action is applied.

(7) Even if the exam results are announced, the student's grade is cancelled in case of taking an exam which he/she did not deserve to take.

(8) Exam papers and the documents including records kept and the other documents which assist the determination of the student's grade are evaluated according to Article 23.

(9) Necessary exam arrangements are made if demanded by the disabled students.


Article 23 – (1) Examinations include mid-term exams, end of term exams, make-up exams and excuse examinations and single course examinations.

Mid-term exams are mid-term exam/exams held for the lessons stipulated by the relevant curriculum within the term and/or short-term examinations held during the class, homework, practices based on the skills of the student and similar term studies. Minimum one mid-term examination is held in every term. At the beginning of the term, form of term examinations and their contribution to the pass mark are announced in the lesson information form upon recommendation of the academician and approval of the department head. Mid-term examination schedule is announced by the department heads within the first four weeks of the term by asking the opinions of the academicians in charge of the lessons. Mid-term exam marks are announced to the students on OBS minimum two weeks prior to the term end examinations.

End of term examinations are the exams held within two weeks following minimum fourteen weeks of academic term. End of term exam is held for every course. If a course is an applied course, evaluation of theory and application with separate examinations at the end of term or single examination is determined upon recommendation of the academician and approval of the department head and is announced in the lesson information form at the beginning of the term. Students not taking the end of term exam are deemed as failed and FF is given as the success mark. End of term examination schedule is prepared by the relevant department/program heads and is submitted for the approval of academic units. End of term exam schedule is announced minimum two weeks prior to the exams. An excuse exam is not held for end of term exam.

Make-up examinations are the exams held following the end of term exams. Students who deserved to take end of term exams but who could not take them with or without an excuse and students who took the exams but could not succeed can take make-up exams. Pass marks of end of term exams of students not taking the make-up exam will be the same and another exam is not held for these students. Make-up exams are held one week later the end of term exams. An excuse exam is not held for make-up exam. Students whose end of term grade are DD and above cannot take the make-up exam.
Excuse exam is held for the mid-term exam that the student did not take on the dates determined by the relevant administrative committee in the term if the excuses of the students not taking the mid-term exam for the excuse based on right and valid reasons and providing evidence within one week following the examination are accepted by the relevant administrative committee. The right of excuse exam is granted for only mid-term exams. Provisions of article 24 are based on for conditions of taking excuse exam and holding the exam. Students not taking the excuse exam for any reason cannot take the excuse exam again.
Single course examination is the exam held at the end of the term with the resolution of relevant administrative committee of the academic units for only one time in a term for the students not graduating because of being unsuccessful at only one course although they pass other courses. For the students to take this exam, they must fulfill requirements such as homework, training, and must attend to the classes during the term.

(2) Exams must be written. However, exams may be held orally and/or applied upon recommendation of the academician provided that it is approved by the relevant department committee and announced in the course information form at the beginning of the term.

(3) Exam results are submitted to the department presidency by the relevant academician within fifteen days following the date of entering term-end pass marks on the Internet in academic calendar. Exam papers and minutes and other documents contributing to determine the pass mark of the student are delivered to the academic units via the relevant department presidency as sealed within two weeks as of the date of last processing by the academician in charge of the lesson unless administrative committees of relevant academic units stipulate to keep longer. In the end of this time, they are disposed.
(4) Examinations are held by the academicians in charge of instructing the course. If the academician in charge of the course is on leave/on duty during the examination period, the relevant department committee determines who will hold and assess the exam. The relevant academic unit appoints the observer in line with the request and requirement of the academician for written exams. Exams of applied courses, mock-up, painting, handcraft evaluations are performed by a report issued by the management and relevant student. At the end of training and practice, how the training and practice exam will be held at academic units obliged to hold an exam is determined in accordance with the practice principles determined by the relevant committees.

Excuses not to sit for an exam

Article 24 – (1) The students who have health problems, who verify this situation by means of medical report, whose first degree relative dies or whose position corresponds to a situation stated in Article 21 or 32 may make a request for excuse exam in person or/and through the proxy to whom they give certificate of authorization certified by a notary providing that they verify their position and inform the relevant department of it following the exam date in a week at the latest.

 (2) Excuse exam dates and the names of the students whose excuses or/and medical report are accepted by the relevant executive board are announced prior to the examination.

(3) If the student puts forward an acceptable excuse, whether the mid-term exams they sit for while having an excuse or being excused for medical reasons are called off are decided by the relevant department executive board.

The announcement of exam results and objection to the results

Article 25 – (1) The midterm exam results are announced a fortnight before semester final exam by the teaching staff responsible for the course and the final exams on student information system on the dates specified by the academic calendar. The exam papers and documents consisting of minutes and the other documents contributing to the determination of students' grades are dealt with according to Article 23. If it is not possible for the grades to be put into the system on the internet, the results are handed in to the academic department in a fortnight following the implementation of the exam.
(2) The student may want his/her exam paper to be re-examined by having recourse to the relevant department to which he/she is affiliated with a petition in a week at the latest as from the announcement of exam results. The deanery or directorship makes the lecturer that is responsible for the course examine the exam paper by means of the head of relevant department to determine whether or not a mistake of fact has been made mistake and notifies the student of the result. If the student continues objecting to it, it is substantially re-examined in comparison with key answer and / or the other exam papers and documents by means of a commission of at least three people consisting of the teaching staff with identical or higher academic degree in the absence of the lecturer in charge through the relevant executive board decree. The changes in grades become absolute through the relevant executive board decree. The executive board decree on the changes in grades is notified to the registrar's office. Any objection except for a mistake of fact is not accepted in the exams aimed at practice and/or performance in the field of Fine Arts.



Grade, Grade Increment, Grade Point Average, Semester Grade Average Grade

Article 26 – (1) Students' grades are calculated by adding 40 % of grades average received from education activities (midterm exam/exams, practice, training course, seminar, project, assignment, laboratory and so forth) given on the scale of 100 points within the period to 60 % of semester final exam or make-up exam. His / Her letter and ECTS grades are given according to Grade Assessment Chart.

(2) It is imperative to get at least 50 points from semester final exam or make-up exam of the course so as to be supposed to succeed in a course in addition to the other conditions. The grade of the student who cannot get these points is assessed as FF if it is below letter grade 40 and as FD if above 40.

(3) (YE) and (YS) grades received from joint compulsory courses and (DS) grades for non-credit courses mentioned in the paragraph (ı) of the first clause of Article 5 of Law No.2547 are not considered in the calculation of grade point average; However, (DS) is assessed as 0.00 in credit courses.

 (4) Students are not given grades lower than the pass mark corresponding to the points in the following table below. A letter/ECTS grade higher than letter/ECTS grades corresponding to grades mentioned in the table in the assessment of grades is also not given.

(5) According to the grade assessment table:

a) A student is considered to succeed in a credit course if she/he has received one of (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB) or (CC) grades.
b) If she/he has received either (DC) or (DD) grade and her/his GPA is 2.00 and over, she/he is considered to succeed conditionally.
c) If she/he has received either (DC) or (DD) grade and her/his GPA is below 2.00, she/he is considered to be conditionally unsuccessful. 
d) If she/he has received either of (FD) and (FF), she/he is considered to be conditionally unsuccessful.

e) If she/he has not met class attendance requirement, she/he is considered to be an absentee.

f) In the assessment of absenteeism and success of non-credit courses and training courses: She/he is considered to be (YE) sufficient, (YS) insufficient, or (DS) absent.

g) Her/his grade that she/he has received as a result of sitting for the exam which she/he has not deserved is cancelled.

Grade Assessment Table


Letter Grade


ECTS Grade
















































(For credit courses)


Undergraduate Transfer within University

Raising Grade 

Article 27 – (1) The students who want to raise Grade Point Average can take the lessons again which they accomplished in the semester which these lessons are set up within the context of 18th article of this regulation. For the lessons which are taken again, the last successful grade is valid. 

Average Grade Point and Term Average Grade

Article 28 – The academic standing of students are followed by the grades they take from lessons, term grade average which is calculated by the way of ECTS credits and Grade Point Average values within the concept of 26th Article. 
Term Grade Average is calculated by adding the multiplication of the ECTS credits of each lesson which is taken in one term and the quotient of the grades which are taken in these lessons, and this is divided into ECTS total credit of the same lessons. The average which is found out is shown as two decimal points after the comma. If the third decimal point after the comma is less than five, it is brought to zero, if it is five or more than five, it is calculated by raising the second decimal point one number more to make round figures.

Grade Point Average is calculated by the addition of multiplication of the ECTS credits of each lesson which is taken in all terms quotient the grades of these lessons and the result is divided into addition of ECTS credits of all lessons. The result is shown as two decimal points after the comma. For the third decimal point after the comma, the decision on the 2nd article (above) is applied.


Undergraduate Transfer and Vertical Transfer, Freeze Registration, Break Off Principals

Undergraduate Transfer from other higher education Institution

Article 29 – The undergraduate transfers which are done from other universities to the academic units and the undergraduate transfers which are between academic units and departments are done according to provisions related to transfers between associate degree programs and undergraduate programs in higher education institutions, double major, sub speciality and credit transfers between institutions which was published in Official the Journal dated 24/ 04/ 2010 and numbered 27561. In order a student to transfer into undergraduate programs which are English Medium Education Programs, a student has to be successful in foreign language prep classes proficiency exam which will be done by SDU or a student has to be exempted from this exam by management of school of foreign languages.

From evening education programs in other higher education institutions undergraduate transfer can be done only to the equal evening education programs. However, the students who are successful in their class and achieve to be in the first %10 and pass the class in evening program, can make undergraduate transfer to the daytime education programs considering the quata of the program ( number of students, if there is enough space) 

Undergraduate Transfers Within University 

Article 30 – (1) The students, during their education process, can make undergraduate transfer in their academic unit or in the other equivalent academic programs within the principals and quota which are determined by the Senate.

(2) The students who are in the same program in day education of academic units can make undergraduate transfer to the evening programs without any limitations of quota. However, the students who are transferred into evening education program have to pay evening education price.

(3) The students in evening programs who pass the class by being successful to take part in the first %10 of the class according to grade point average can make undergraduate transfer to the day education within quota.

(4) In the other cases in undergraduate transfers in SDU, relevant legislation, decision of higher education council and the principals which will be determined by senate will be applied.

(5) While calculating the education period of the students who make undergraduate transfer, the periods which are in the institution they come from are also added. Total duration can't exceed the duration which is stated by law.

(6) The exemption process of students whose applications of undergraduate transfer are accepted and the classes which they were adapted into are determined by the related councils and these are announced to the students by student affairs offices before the registrations.

Graduate Transfer

Article 31 – (1) The acceptation of Vocational school graduates to License Programmes is determined by related administrative boards and regulation terms -published at 19.2.2002 dated and 24676 numbered Official Journal- about Vocational School and open University associate Degree Graduates' Attendance to Undergraduate Education.

(2) The students come to education programmes that drills in foreign language must have succeeded the SDU proficiency exam or exempted by Foreign Languages Academy Administrative council. Unless he/she is exempted or failed in the exam student continues to foreign language preparatory class.

Registration Freeze

Article 32 – 

(1) In case of the following reasons with the students' or their notarized substitues written request and within the related administrative council's decision student's registration can be freezed;

a) The student having long-term illness certificated by commission report,

b) Student itself or first degree relatives like mother, father, siblings, wife/husband, or child being exposed to a natural disaster and evidence provided by student for this,

c) The situation of student's first degree relatives having a fatal disease and nobody else to look after,

d) Student taken to military service because of loosing probation right or cancelled probation,

e) Student's arrestment or conviction,

f) The conviction situation which doesn't necessarily mean to dismiss student or remove student title by the sentence of Higher Education Institutions discipline rules published at 18/8/2012 and 28388 numbered official journal,
g) Emerge of a domestic or foreign scholarship at most two semester/ a year, internship and research possibility that will help student's education,

(2) Other reasons that couldn't be foreseen in the first item but accepted by the related administrative council.
(3) A student can freeze registration half of total education time in a year at most. But, because of the continuity of the reasons stated in the first article, administrative council can extend the registration freeze time.
(4) The application for registration freeze must be done in at most one month later than the start within the first month of the term. Besides applications for extension of the freeze is to be refused except sudden diseases or unexpected situations. The duration for freeze cannot be less then one academic term.
(5) The students whose reasons to freeze registration end before due deadline of freeze can continue to education from the following term with the decision of administrative council on the count of student's petition.
(6) The registration freeze time doesn't count to education time.
(7) The students that freeze registration don't pay education fee. The former paid fees aren't paid back.


Article 33 – (1) In the following cases; SDU students can be discharged by the decision of the Faculty Board:
a) the students who wish to drop out and have provided a written notice of their decision
b) the students who do not complete the registration requirements or have been found to have given false or misleading information or documents 

c) the students who are fined under the terms of the Higher Education Institutions Student Discipline Regulatory Provisions 
d) the students who transfer to another university



Internship, Annual Leave, Honor students


Article 34 – (1) Compulsory internships are administered by the Education Programme of each academic department and must be done according to Senate guidelines. The internship must be finished in the maximum time period as required by law. The students who have not finished the internship practice as required will not be able to graduate until such time as they have done so.

Annual Leave 

Article 35 – (1) Students may be given annual leave to pursue external scholarship programmes which will benefit their education; to pursue internship and research possibilities. Annual Leave may be given only once a year by the decision of each academic department. This annual leave is added to the maximum education period. Requests for annual leave must be submitted in the first month of the academic term.

Honor Students

Article 36 – (1) The criterias for honor students include;

a) Taking all the required courses, meeting the attendance requirements and exceeding the required minimum points (DD) in every lesson. Also, students should not have received any disciplinary punishment, and their GPA must rank first, second or third in their departments. These students are given a certificate of appreciation by the Dean or the Director at the end of the year.
b) Taking all the required courses during the normal academic period,meeting the attendance requirements and exceeding the required minimum points (DD) in every lesson.Also, students should not have received any disciplinary punishment, and their GPA must rank first in their departments. These students are given a certificate of high achievement by the Rectorate.
c) Taking all the required courses during the normal academic period, meeting the attendance requirements and exceeding the required minimum points (DD) in every lesson. Also, students should not have received any disciplinary punishment. The student whose GPA ranks first in SDU is accepted as SDU's high honor student and this student/students are given a certificate of high achievement by the Rectorate.

d) University, faculty/High School and Vocational High School valedictorians are chosen from honor / high honor students.


Graduation, Diploma, Discipline, Notification and address declaration


Article 37 – (1) In order to graduate, student should have succeeded in all their courses, succeeded in their compulsory internship, should get (YE) from their non credit courses and should get 120 from associate programme, 240 from undergraduate programme, 300 ECTS from 5 year undergraduate programme. Students whose GPA is 2.00 or above will be accepted as successful graduates. Student's GPA is also his graduation mark average. This decision related to student's graduation is made by the Academic Board.

Article 38 – (1) Students who complete their academic programs successfully are given their diploma at the end of the last term following the completion of the academic program. The design of the diploma given by the academic units is defined by the senate. Students may be given a temporary graduation document until their diplomas are prepared. Graduation date is the first work day following the last examination term. the front page of the diplomas include: the hologram, student name and surname, diploma number, name of the undergraduate/graduate program they have completed successfully, name of the department and/or master of science, joint honours, date of graduation, for faculties the signature of the Rector and the Dean, for undergraduate programs the signature of the Rector and the principal. Student demographics are on the back page of the diploma. They must be typed on computer. No photographs are sticked on diplomas and they are sealed with composts by the Rectorate.
A diploma supplement is given to all students who graduate. Diploma supplements are approved and handed out to students by principals in high schools and vocational high schools and by the Dean in faculties with their diplomas.
The diploma is issued once, but in case of loss of diploma the second copy is reconsracted in accordance with the provisions Article 38.

Associate Diploma given to Undergraduate Students

Article 39 – (1) For the students who can not complete their undergraduate study, receiving their associate diploma or adaptation of them to vocational high schools is regulated in accordance with the provisions of Regulation No 20112 published in Official Gazette dated 18/3/1989 which is related to ''receiving associate diploma or adaptation to vocational high schools of the students who do not or can not complete their undergarduate study.''

According to the provisions of the relevant legislation, except for the ones who get punishment of being discarded from the university, the students who are discarded from the academic unit for any reason are given an associate diploma if they succeed in all copulsory and elective courses they are obliged to take in the first four semesters of the academic unit they are registered to and if their cumulative grade average is at least 2.00 at the end of the first four semesters.

Discipline Procedures

Article 40 – (1) The discipline procedures of the students are carried out according to the provisions of Higher Education Institutions Regulation.

Notification and reporting address

Article 41 – (1) All kinds of notification is deemed to be made to the address being reported to the university by the student either via return-receipt-certified or communicated to be signed. To the students who report an available e-mail address may be sent notifications via electonic post. Electronically posted notifications are deemed to be made at the end of the fifth day followed the date that the e-mail reaches the addresee's e-mail address.

If the student changes his/her address and does not report this to the relevant student affairs office or reports wrong or incomplete address, notification is deemed to be made in case of sending the notification to the current address in the SDU record.


Various and the Last Provisions


Article 42 – (1) While the regulations are being carried out, the regulations related to the probable new situations because of the differences in education-teaching      programs of various units of the university are done with the suggestions of management committee by the senate.